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Setting up power tools for development

Power tools has the most simple setup ever, we use the following tech stack

Tech Stack

For local development

Please use bun to run the project. If you don't have bun installed, checkout bun.sh for installation.

Copy paste the .env.example to .env and fill in the values.

  IMMICH_URL="" # Immich URL
  IMMICH_API_KEY="" # Immich API Key
  DB_USERNAME="" # Postgress Database Username
  DB_PASSWORD = "" # Postgres Database Password
  DB_HOST = "" # Postgres Host (IP address or hostname of the database)
  DB_PORT = "" # Postgres Port number (Default: 5432)
  DB_DATABASE_NAME = "" # Name of the database 
Make sure you have postgres port exposed on you machine.

Refer here for obtaining Immich API Key: https://immich.app/docs/features/command-line-interface#obtain-the-api-key

Run the development server:

bun run dev
Varun Raj

Varun Raj